For your protection, this bottle is sealed with a perforated ring around the cap. Do not use if seal is broken.
舌下用藥。至少在飯前、刷牙前或引用任何除水之外的飲料之前15分鐘或之後半小時,將藥片放在舌下至少15分鐘。成人和12歲和12歲以上兒童:在首次出現感冒或流感癥狀時,每小時服用1片,並且在睡前服用2-3片。癥狀緩解後,每2-3小時服用1片。2-12歲兒童: 成人劑量減半。2歲以下兒童: 咨詢醫生。
- 始於1835年
- 緩解感冒和流感癥狀
- 天然順勢療法
- 首次出現感冒或流感癥狀時服用! 寵物涼感衣
Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片價格

Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片
Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片介紹

Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片心得
Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片價格
居然有在特價而且~~~ 24小時就宅配到府

Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片心得 很滿意
Aloha CF
- 發燒
- 身體疼痛
- 寒冷
- 頭痛
- 咳嗽
- 流鼻涕
- 打噴嚏
- 鼻塞
- 咽喉痛
,建議這Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片商品
Store at room temperature out of direct sunlight.

Consult a doctor if symptoms worsen, do not improve within 7 days, or new symptoms appear. If fever lasts more than 3 days, or if sore throat is severe, persists for more than 2 days, or is accompanied or followed by fever, difficulty breathing, headache, rash, swelling, nausea, or vomiting, consult a doctor. If cough persists for more than 7 days, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a rash or persistent headache, consult a doctor. A persistent cough may be a sign of a serious condition. Do not take this product for persistent or chronic cough such as occurs with smoking, asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema, or if cough is accompanied by excessive phlegm (mucus) unless directed by a doctor. As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.
訪問制造商的網站 Active Ingredients (HPUS): aconitum napellus 4X 2.5 parts, bryonia alba 4X 2.5 parts, eucalyptus globulus 2X 1 part, eupatorium perfoliatum 2X 2.5 parts, gelsemium sempervirens 4X 2.5 parts, ipecacuanha 3X 2.5 parts, phosphorus 6X 2.5 parts. Lactose based tablets.
7 11涼感衣size>衣服汗臭味
功效: 暫時緩解發燒、寒冷、打噴嚏、鼻塞、流鼻涕、咳嗽咽喉痛、頭痛、感冒或流感引起的輕微疼痛。
另外同時喜歡Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片商品
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、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片折價券
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片退貨
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片換貨
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片優惠活動
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片台北
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片新北
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片桃園
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片新竹
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片苗栗
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片台中
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片彰化
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片南投
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片雲林
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片嘉義
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片台南
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片高雄
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片哪裡買
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片哪裡有
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片經銷據點
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片百貨
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片屏東
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片宜蘭
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片花蓮
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片台東
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片澎湖
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片金門
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片馬祖

Consult a doctor if symptoms worsen, do not improve within 7 days, or new symptoms appear. If fever lasts more than 3 days, or if sore throat is severe, persists for more than 2 days, or is accompanied or followed by fever, difficulty breathing, headache, rash, swelling, nausea, or vomiting, consult a doctor. If cough persists for more than 7 days, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a rash or persistent headache, consult a doctor. A persistent cough may be a sign of a serious condition. Do not take this product for persistent or chronic cough such as occurs with smoking, asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema, or if cough is accompanied by excessive phlegm (mucus) unless directed by a doctor. As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.
訪問制造商的網站 Active Ingredients (HPUS): aconitum napellus 4X 2.5 parts, bryonia alba 4X 2.5 parts, eucalyptus globulus 2X 1 part, eupatorium perfoliatum 2X 2.5 parts, gelsemium sempervirens 4X 2.5 parts, ipecacuanha 3X 2.5 parts, phosphorus 6X 2.5 parts. Lactose based tablets.
Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片商品
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片特價
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片折價券
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片退貨
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片換貨
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片優惠活動
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片台北
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片新北
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片桃園
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片新竹
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片苗栗
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片台中
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片彰化
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片南投
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片雲林
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片嘉義
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片台南
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片高雄
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片哪裡買
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片哪裡有
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片經銷據點
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片百貨
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片屏東
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片宜蘭
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片花蓮
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片台東
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片澎湖
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片金門
、Boericke & Tafel, Alpha CF,120片馬祖